Friday, April 9, 2010


Welcome to the blog page designed for the women of the Alpha Gamma Delta colony at Arizona State University! We dedicate this page to help catalog the many events, and activities we will participate in over the coming years. Most importantly we have built this blog to help share our personal experiences, memories and thoughts about our amazing new experience with Alpha Gamma Delta as we grow as a colony on campus into an official chapter. If there are any questions or comments please feel free to contact us or leave a post on our page, thanks for visiting our page!


  1. I know this is for the women of Alpha Gamma Delta of ASU but today I hope you make 1 exception. You see, I am a dad of an AGD and very proud to say it. I was a little on the skeptical side when my daughter called from college and broke the news that she was joining a sorority. My first thoughts were that my daughter had better take college a little more serious than what a sorority can offer. I wasn't to pleased.
    Of course I got the talk from my daughter about success, personal development and lifelong friends. The only thing that was coming to my mind was the part of "lifelong friends" and what that meant to me. I was a little worried to say the least. That was until I kept up with my daughter and the activities that she was involved in, which really blew me away. She was stepping into realms of college life that I would not have expected her to get into. The longer she was involved with AGD the more positive I became about everything that you all do. She got into leadership within her sorority and to catch her at the house was quite an accomplishment as the chapter was always doing things that I would never had guessed a sorority would be doing..... I would list them for you but you will all live these programs as you grow into the AGD family. Every year she kept getting into leadership positions and the chapter was always contributing to the commuity through all kinds of service projects. She even took that throughout the USA with the STFL program in Minneapolis.
    Finally graduation came and as we spent those days in Minneapolis watching her interact with her "lifelong" friends I could really see a difference that AGD made in her life. I remember taking pictures of all of the senior girls as they walked through the UMN campus together and thinking that all of these girls are going to do something big and postitive in the world.
    Now as my daughter travels around as a leadership consultant I can see her living and passing on "....the opportunity of contributing to the world's work in the community where I am placed because of the joy of service thereby bestowed and the leadership multiplied...."
    I believe that you definately are in the sorority for the right reasons if you join Alpha Gamma Delta. You see... my daughter, Hilary Zimmerman, taught me, her dad, a few things about life when she became an Alpha Gamma Delta woman and I am proud to be her dad and an Alpha Gamma Delta dad.

  2. OMG Hilary I love your dad!!! What a beautiful story!
