Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why I became an Alpha Gam

By: Natalia Herrera Martinez
Growing up, not only did I never consider joining a sorority, I didn't even know what a sorority was! My whole family is Mexican (we don't have Greek life in Mexico), and I had never met anyone who was in a sorority until I entered college. I became friends with two Greek women in my class, and worked with several Greek women at my job. There, I met an AGD alum, Amy, and she suggested I check out AGD's open house. It was clear she was very excited about AGD recolonizing and the fact that they were recruiting a brand new group of girls gave me the encouragement I needed to attend open house. Being very shy, but very friendly, I was not confident if I had made an impression, but when I went to interview I realized how proud and intelligent Alpha Gams were. During my interview, I felt like I was treated with respect and that my experiences were valued. I was also greatly interested in raising money for diabetes research, as my grandfather and my very close friend both have diabetes. Additionally, I had never had the opportunity to become involved in school; a student body of +40,000 in incredibly overwhelming! I felt that joining a sorority would allow me to have experience not only as a leader and an involved student, but also as a friend, sister, and mentor. As an education major, I feel that I am very open and accepting of all people, and my main goal in life is to help those around me and to be there to listen. Although I'm still adapting to Greek Life, I've found that it is a very fun way to become more involved, and I'm excited for all that we will be able to accomplish in our time at ASU and beyond.

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